Saturday, February 2, 2008

Bittersweet Day

It's been an emotional morning today - my parents left to conitnue thier trip down south. It has been amazing to have them here for the first 6 weeks of Benjamin's life. Watching them bond with him has been an experience that I will never forget. Benjamin is so lucky to have three grandparents that love him so much. I am very close to my parents and will miss them terribly and so will Benjamin (my mom is teaching him to whistle - he almost has it down). I am hoping to have them closer to me very soon....

Chris and I plan on hanging out this weekend with Ben and the animal kingdom. Bella has an appointment at Petsmart to have a day of beauty (she smells bad) and Gaby is going to do what he always does - sleep. Benjamin spent a hour in bed with Dad this morning getting some quality cuddle time - what a lucky boy!

Ben wanted me to pass along a message to Grandma and Grandpa for him: I miss you so much and hope you have a great time on your trip. I can't wait to see Grandma in March in Puerto Rico and to come visit you in May in Oregon. I think you should move back to Minnesota to I can see you as much as I want! I love you!

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