Sunday, August 10, 2008

All clean & ready for bed!

I smell so good! I love bath night!

I don't think I want to wear a diaper tonight Mom, you'll have to catch me first to get that thing on!

Getting some cuddle time with Dad before my bottle.

Nothing better that a warm bottle before bed!

Bella in her usual spot while Ben is having his bedtime bottle. She likes to help Mom by being a good footrest.

It was bath night tonight, Ben seems to be having more and more fun with his food and usually ends up with quite a bit in his ears, hair, and everywhere else you can imagine. Dad and Ben spent the weekend together as I was off at work. I am gone before he wakes up but have been able to get home in time to spend about a 1/2 hour playing before Ben goes off to bed at night. Thankfully this part of volleyball season doesn't last very long. This coming Tuesday is a no-practice day and I am so looking forward to that! No daycare that day for Ben - he's all mine!

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