Friday, August 8, 2008

Future Harley owner?

Mom and her future motorcycle man.

Watch what this can do Mom!

Hop on Mom! I'll take you for a spin around the family room!

How can I get up here without anyone noticing....

Oh you caught me!

This has turn signals and everything!

Hold on tight! Ready or not, here I come!

Ben loves to ride his little bike/scooter that we got a few weeks ago. He puts his hands on the handle bars or steering wheel right away and laughs as we push him around the house. We beep the horn at Bella and Gaby as they are the only other "traffic" on the road with Ben.

I start volleyball pre-season tomorrow morning. The days will be long and it is going to be so incredibly difficult to be away from Ben. Hopefully Dad and Ben will be able to make so trips down to the U to visit Mom. Go Gophers!!

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