It's almost that time of night again - the adventure we call Ben's Bedtime. He seems content now but that look can be deceiving when it comes time to lay him down in his own bed. We have him sleeping in his Pack-n-Play in our room right now. We have a nice Pack-n-Play, it has a bassinet and changing table area on it. I believe the concept is to have Ben sleep in the bassinet part but our boy likes to sleep in the changing table part. We are letting him sleep there for two reasons: one because when we get up to change him in the middle of the night he's already in position and two because he actually sleeps when we leave him in there. Who would have thought that I would have a son that fights sleeping so much? I think taking a good nap is one of the best things in life!
Ben went on his second shopping expedition of his life today with Mom and Grandma Sharon. Mom was looking for something to wear to her wedding ceremony on Thursday but the trip turned out to be a gold mine for Ben instead. We hit the outlet mall in Albertville and Grandma found some things that were too cute to pass up. Ben seemed to enjoy the trip better than the last time - I think he appreciated the fresh air as we walked around outside for a while. Tomorrow is a haircut for Mom and maybe a bath for Ben.
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